

原创 胖头鱼的鱼缸 2023-07-11

来到第三堂了,data management数据管理。从这里开始才是我认为的ocm最难的两门考试。

考点0:破坏 boom!


  1. 如遇到控制文件丢失,从副本恢复并启动数据库到mount状态(也可能只是破坏了某个pdb的某个文件,则直接第二步)
  2. 紧接着用rman进行快速修复:
rman target / list failure; advise failure; repair failure;


考点1:memory management 内存管理


sqlplus sys/oracle@pdbprod2 as sysdba alter system set pga_aggregate_target=10m; alter system set pga_aggregate_limit=50m; alter system set sga_target=250m;

考点2:plugging in tablespaces and creating external tables 插入表空间和创建外部表

1.将原平台为**solaris[tm] oe (64-bit)**的导出表空间文件为/home/oracle/scripts/example,dump文件为example.dmp导入至pdbprod2中(包含多个用户需要通过提供的脚本创建):

sqlplus sys/oracle@pdbprod2 as sysdba start /home/oracle/scripts/xx.sql -- create users create directroy ext as '/home/oracle/scripts'; grant all on directory ext to public; rman target sys/oracle@pdbprod2 convert datafile '/home/oracle/scripts/example' from platform "solaris[tm] oe (64-bit)" format '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/prodcdb/pdbprod2/example01.dbf'; impdp system/oracle@pdbprod1 dumpfile=example.dmp directory=ext transport_datafiles=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/prodcdb/pdbprod2/example01.dbf sqlplus sys/oracle@pdbprod2 as sysdba alter tablespace example read write;
  1. 创建外部表,这个题目记得不是太清楚了,需要使用/home/oracle/scripts/uncompress.sh脚本,下面只是大概操作流程:
sqlplus sys/oracle@prod4 as sysdba chopt disable dv create table prod_master (empno number,ename varahcr2(10),hiredate date,deptno number); create direcrtory ext as '/home/oracle/scripts'; prod4 sqlldr userid=sh/sh control=prod_master.ctl external_table=generate_only 生成文件修改表名,access parameters中添加preprocessor ext:'uncompress.sh' chmod a x uncompress.sh sqlplus sh/sh@prod4 drop table prod_master; start sh.sql

考点3:manage tablespaces 管理表空间


mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/admin/prod4/wallet mkstore -wrl /u01/app/oracle/admin/prod4/wallet -create cp -r /u01/app/oracle/admin/prod4/wallet /backup/path #备份 vim /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/sqlnet.ora encryption_wallet_location=(source=(method=file)(mothod_data=(directory=/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/sqlnet.ora)))
sqlplus sys/oracle@prod4 as sysdba alter system set encryotion key identified by "oracle123"; shut immediate startup mount; alter system set encryption wallet open identified by "oracle123" alter database open; create tablespace sf_data datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/prod4/sf_data.dbf' size 10m autoextend on encryption default storage(encrypt); alter table hr.employees move tablespace sf_data;


考点4:managing partitioning 管理分区


sqlplus sys/oracle@pdbprod2 as sysdba create table sales_history ( prod_id number not null, cust_id number not null, time_id date not null, channel_id number not null, promo_id number not null, quantity_sold number(10,2) not null, amount_sold number(10,2) not null ) partition by range(time_id) interval(numtoyminterval(1,'year')) ( partition sal1 values less than (to_date('1999-1-1','yyyy-mm-dd')), partition sal2 values less than (to_date('2000-1-1','yyyy-mm-dd')), partition sal3 values less than (to_date('2001-1-1','yyyy-mm-dd')), partition sal4 values less than (to_date('2002-1-1','yyyy-mm-dd')) ); inset into sh.sales_history select * from sh.sales; commit;

考点5:configuration that allows searching of previous versions of data 配置允许查询之前版本的数据


sqlplus sys/oracle@pdbprod1 as sysdba alter system set result_cache_max_size=15m; alter table sh.sales result_cache(mode force);

考点6:star query optimization 星形查询优化


sqlplus sys/oracle@pdbprod1 as sysdba -- 在关联查询涉及的表中的等值列上建立位图索引 -- eg. create bitmap b_ind_time_id on sales(time_id) local; alter system set star_transformation_enabled=true;

考点7:managing materialized views 管理物化视图


sqlplus sys/oracle@pdbprod1 as sysdba select dbms_metadata.get_dd('materialized_view','prod_ mv','sh') from dual; --create materialized view sh.prod_mv as select time_id,prod_subcategory,sum(unit_ cost),count(unit _cost),count(*) from costs c,products p where c.prod_ id=p.prod_id group by time_id,prod_subcategory; conn sys/oracle@pdbprod1 as sysdba grant create any directory,advisor to sh; conn sh/sh drop materialized view log on costs; drop materialized view log on products; create or replace directory d_mv as '/home/oracle'; grant read,write on directory d_mv to public; declare tname varchar2(30); mv varchar2(2000); begin tname:='prod_mv'; mv:='create materialized view sh.prod_mv refresh force on demand as select time_id,prod_subcategory,sum(unit_ cost),count(unit _cost),count(*) from costs c,products p where c.prod_ id=p.prod_id group by time_id,prod_subcategory;' dbms_advisor.tune_mview(tname,mv); dbms_advisor.create_file(dbms_advisor.get_task_script(tname),'d_mv','mvcreate.sql'); end; / -- 修改mvcreate.sql: disable => enable show parameter rewrite alter system set query_rewrite_enabled=true; alter system set query_rewrite_integrity=trusted/enforced; -- upgrade的话似乎只考这俩参数,嘿嘿! conn sh/sh@pdbprod1 drop materialized view prod_mv; start mvcreate.sql

考点8:auditing 审计


sqlplus sys/oracle@prod4 as sysdba alter system set audit_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/dbs' referred; alter system set audit_trail='db' scope=spfile; shut immediate startup

考点9:additional configuration 其他配置

  1. pdbprod1中,sh.sales表默认开启并行,且开启自动并行仅当语句对象没有指定数据中的并行度时才生效。
sqlplus sys/oracle@pdbprod1 as sysdba alter table sh.sales parallel; alter system set parallel_degree_policy=limited;
  1. 其他并行
alter session force parallel query; alter session enable parallel dml; alter index xxx parallel 4; select /* parallel(employees 4) parallel(departmemts 4) */ insert /* append parallel(t3,2) */ delete /* parallel(t1,2) */ ......
  1. 其他的暂时不知



最后修改时间:2023-07-17 10:55:04

