
【pg15】 postgresql 15 新日志格式 jsonlog -m6米乐安卓版下载

原创 严少安 2023-03-08






手动触发日志轮转除了 pg_rotate_logfile()还有别的方法么?
手动触发日志归档,而不用等定时轮转 log_roration_age,或者测试只看新的日志,我现在就只能把老的删掉,再触发生成新的。

当时的情况其实是,日志文件命名的粒度为“小时” (log_filename = postgresql-%y-%m-%d_%h.log)。
所以执行 pg_rotate_logfile 时,并没任何反应。


postgresql 提供了两种方式进行日志轮转:

  1. pg_ctl logrotate – pg工具,可在 postgres 用户直接执行,日志会自动轮转并生成新日志文件。也可以加 -s 参数,静默执行。
[postgres@centos7 log]$ pg_ctl logrotate
server signaled to rotate log file
[postgres@centos7 log]$ 
[postgres@centos7 log]$ pg_ctl logrotate -s
[postgres@centos7 log]$ 
  1. pg_rotate_logfile() – pg系统方法,需要 superuser 权限。
(postgres@[local]) [postgres] 23:01:45# select pg_rotate_logfile(); ------------------- | pg_rotate_logfile | ------------------- | t | ------------------- (1 row) [postgres@centos7 log]$ psql -u sbtest -d postgres psql (15.2-yan) type "help" for help. (sbtest@[local]) [postgres] 23:03:20> select pg_rotate_logfile(); error: permission denied for function pg_rotate_logfile time: 0.726 ms (sbtest@[local]) [postgres] 23:03:53> \dg list of roles ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- | role name | attributes | member of | ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- | postgres | superuser, create role, create db, replication, bypass rls | {} | | sbtest | | {} | ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------

不过,需要注意,需要 postgresql 已经开启 logging_collector

此外,还可以通过插件 adminpack 或者 pgadmin 工具进行日志文件管理。

再者,可以使用操作系统层工具 logrotate 对日志文件进行定时轮转。

一般 json 日志

json 格式的日志非常适合记录结构化数据,因为它易于读取和处理。另外,由于 json 格式的日志只是普通的文本文件,所以可以使用任何文本编辑器或命令行工具来查看和处理。
以下是一个示例 json 格式的日志条目:

{ "timestamp": "2022-02-23t14:30:00z", "level": "info", "message": "user login", "user_id": "1234", "ip_address": "" }

使用 json 格式的日志有许多优点,例如易于使用、易于读取和解析、可扩展性好等。因此,json 格式的日志在现代应用程序中非常流行。

这里介绍一个格式化 json 的工具 - - jq

jq 可以以各种方式转换 json,可以选择、迭代、缩减或分解 json 文档。例如,运行命令 jq ´map(.price) | add´ 将接受一个 json 对象数组作为输入,并返回它们的 “price” 字段的和。
jq 也可以接受文本输入,但默认情况下,jq 从 stdin 读取 json 实体流(包括数字和其他文字)。
例如,上例就可由 jq 将普通文本从 stdin 读取,并进行格式化。

$ echo '{"timestamp": "2022-02-23t14:30:00z","level": "info","message": "user login","user_id": "1234","ip_address": ""}' | jq { "timestamp": "2022-02-23t14:30:00z", "level": "info", "message": "user login", "user_id": "1234", "ip_address": "" }

postgresql 15 中的 jsonlog 日志文件

json 格式的日志文件,是 postgresql 15 的新特性之一。

postgresql 15 contains many new features and enhancements, including:

support for structured server log output using the json format.

allow log output in json format (sehrope sarkuni, michael paquier)
the new setting is log_destination = jsonlog.



{"timestamp":"2023-03-08 20:29:31.596 cst","pid":1254,"session_id":"64087fab.4e6","line_num":1,"session_start":"2023-03-08 20:29:31 cst","txid":0,"error_severity":"log","message":"ending log output to stderr","hint":"future log output will go to log destination \"csvlog, jsonlog\".","backend_type":"postmaster","query_id":0} {"timestamp":"2023-03-08 20:54:29.431 cst","pid":1945,"remote_host":"","remote_port":47620,"session_id":"64088585.799","line_num":1,"ps":"","session_start":"2023-03-08 20:54:29 cst","txid":0,"error_severity":"log","message":"connection received: host= port=47620","backend_type":"not initialized","query_id":0} {"timestamp":"2023-03-08 20:54:29.432 cst","user":"sbtest","dbname":"postgres","pid":1945,"remote_host":"","remote_port":47620,"session_id":"64088585.799","line_num":2,"ps":"authentication","session_start":"2023-03-08 20:54:29 cst","vxid":"3/83","txid":0,"error_severity":"log","message":"connection authorized: user=sbtest database=postgres application_name=psql","backend_type":"client backend","query_id":0} {"timestamp":"2023-03-08 20:54:29.434 cst","user":"sbtest","dbname":"postgres","pid":1943,"remote_host":"","remote_port":47618,"session_id":"64088579.797","line_num":3,"ps":"idle","session_start":"2023-03-08 20:54:17 cst","txid":0,"error_severity":"log","message":"disconnection: session time: 0:00:11.618 user=sbtest database=postgres host= port=47618","application_name":"psql","backend_type":"client backend","query_id":0}

对照传统日志文件和 csv 格式日志文件查看。

- log a:, u:, d:, r:, h:, b:postmaster, p:1254, p:, t:2023-03-08 20:29:31 cst, m:2023-03-08 20:29:31.596 cst, n:1678278571.596, q:0, i:, e:00000, c:64087fab.4e6, l:3, s:2023-03-08 20:29:31 cst, v:, x:0, q:log: ending log output to stderr a:, u:, d:, r:, h:, b:postmaster, p:1254, p:, t:2023-03-08 20:29:31 cst, m:2023-03-08 20:29:31.596 cst, n:1678278571.596, q:0, i:, e:00000, c:64087fab.4e6, l:4, s:2023-03-08 20:29:31 cst, v:, x:0, q:hint: future log output will go to log destination "csvlog, jsonlog". - csv 2023-03-08 20:29:31.596 cst,,,1254,,64087fab.4e6,1,,2023-03-08 20:29:31 cst,,0,log,00000,"ending log output to stderr",,"future log output will go to log destination ""csvlog, jsonlog"".",,,,,,,"","postmaster",,0


  1. json 格式日志由于自身属性原因,日志大小会大于 csv 格式,甚至大小翻倍。
  2. 但是,json 格式的有点也很明显,对于各种日志分析系统友好,不需要再转格式,也不会出现 csv 多行转换的问题。
  3. json/csv 的格式相对固定,而传统日志的格式可以自定义。

由于我目前还是 pg 入门级选手,对于第三点,也是在反复实验中发现,log_line_prefix 参数设定并不会影响到 json/csv 格式文件。
同时,查阅源码 (src\backend\utils\error*log.c) 后这一推测得到验证。


log_line_prefix = 'a:%a, u:%u, d:%d, r:%r, h:%h, b:%b, p:%p, p:%p, t:%t, m:%m, n:%n, q:%q, i:%i, e:%e, c:%c, l:%l, s:%s, v:%v, x:%x, q:%q'

经过若干小时的梳理,已将传统日志和 json 日志的字段对应整理如下:

# special values: # %a = application name -> json : application_name (psql, heidisql) # %u = user name -> json : user # %d = database name -> json : dbname # %r = remote host and port -> json : remote_host, remote_port # %h = remote host -> json : remote_host ([local]) # %b = backend type -> json : backend_type (postmaster, not initialized, client backend) # %p = process id -> json : pid # %p = process id of parallel group leader -> json : leader_pid # %t = timestamp without milliseconds -> json : -- # %m = timestamp with milliseconds -> json : timestamp # %n = timestamp with milliseconds (as a unix epoch) -> json : -- # %q = query id (0 if none or not computed) -> json : query_id # %i = command tag -> json : ps (authentication, idle, alter system, select) # %e = sql state -> json : state_code # %c = session id -> json : session_id (%lx.%x) # %l = session line number -> json : line_num # %s = session start timestamp -> json : session_start # %v = virtual transaction id -> json : vxid (%d/%u) # %x = transaction id (0 if none) -> json : txid # %q = stop here in non-session -> json : message, hint, detail, context

json 日志仍有若干字段未匹配:

error_severity (log, error)
internal_query, internal_position
statement, cursor_position
func_name, file_name, file_line_num

关于 json 日志,上文提到的多行展示,可以参考如下示例:

  • 截取一段日志内容
{"timestamp":"2023-03-08 23:41:48.152 cst","user":"postgres","dbname":"postgres","pid":4601,"remote_host":"[local]","session_id":"6408ac11.11f9","line_num":6,"ps":"idle","session_start":"2023-03-08 23:38:57 cst","vxid":"3/5","txid":0,"error_severity":"log","message":"statement: select d.datname as \"name\",\n pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(d.datdba) as \"owner\",\n pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding) as \"encoding\",\n d.datcollate as \"collate\",\n d.datctype as \"ctype\",\n d.daticulocale as \"icu locale\",\n case d.datlocprovider when 'c' then 'libc' when 'i' then 'icu' end as \"locale provider\",\n pg_catalog.array_to_string(d.datacl, e'\\n') as \"access privileges\"\nfrom pg_catalog.pg_database d\norder by 1;","application_name":"psql","backend_type":"client backend","query_id":0}
  • 将日志中的 message 字段中的 statement 查询语句提取出来,并进行过滤、转化,可得到以下结果。
[root@centos7 log]# grep pg_get_userbyid postgresql-2023-03-08_233853.json | jq '.message | split(": ")[1] | .[:-1]' | json select d.datname as "name", pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(d.datdba) as "owner", pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding) as "encoding", d.datcollate as "collate", d.datctype as "ctype", d.daticulocale as "icu locale", case d.datlocprovider when 'c' then 'libc' when 'i' then 'icu' end as "locale provider", pg_catalog.array_to_string(d.datacl, e'\n') as "access privileges" from pg_catalog.pg_database d order by 1 [root@centos7 log]#


  • 将格式化好的 sql 语句放到 psql 中执行,得到如下结果。




最后修改时间:2023-03-09 12:18:12


