
为什么我查询中的一些表从执行计划中消失了? -m6米乐安卓版下载

赵勇 2022-09-12


oracle 10gr2时,我们引入了一个新的转换技术,表消除(也称之为“连接消除”),它会消除查询中多余的表。如果表中的一个列只在连接谓词中使用,而且保证这些连接既不会减少结果集,也不会扩展结果集中的记录,那么这个表就是多余的。有若干种情况下,oracle会消除多余的表,接下来我们会逐一讨论。

主键 – 外键表消除


create table jobs 
job_id number primary key,
job_title varchar2(35) not null,
min_salary number,
max_salary number
create table departments 
department_id number primary key,
department_name varchar2(50)
create table employees
employee_id number primary key,
employee_name varchar2(50),
department_id number references departments(department_id),
job_id number references jobs(job_id)


select e.employee_name
from employees e, departments d
where e.department_id = d.department_id; 


select e.employee_name
from employees e
where e.department_id is not null; 


 id   operation             name      
   0  select statement                
*  1   table access full    employees 
predicate information (identified by operation id):
 1 - filter("e"."department_id" is not null)

注:如果列上有非空约束,那么谓词is not null不是必须的。


select e.employee_id, e.employee_name
from employees e
where not exists (select 1
                  from jobs j
                  where j.job_id = e.job_id);


select e.employee_id, e.employee_name
from employees e
where job_id is null;


 id   operation             name      
   0  select statement                
*  1   table access full    employees 
predicate information (identified by operation id):
1 - filter("e"."job_id" is null)


alter table employees modify job_id not null;


 id   operation             name      
   0  select statement                
*  1   filter                         
   2    table access full   employees 
predicate information (identified by operation id):
 1 - filter(null is not null)

过滤条件"null is not null" 是一个常为false的谓词,这最终会阻止表扫描的发生。


select employee_name
from employees e inner join jobs j 
on e.job_id = j.job_id;


 id   operation             name      
   0  select statement                
   1   table access full    employees 



create table projects
project_id number unique,
deadline date,
priority number
alter table employees add project_id number;


select e.employee_name, e.project_id
from employees e, projects p
where e.project_id = p.project_id ( );


 id   operation             name      
   0  select statement                
   1   table access full    employees 




create view employee_directory_v as
select e.employee_name, d.department_name, j.job_title
from employees e, departments d, jobs j
where e.department_id = d.department_id
and e.job_id = j.job_id;


select employee_name
from employee_directory_v
where department = 'accounting';


 id   operation             name       
   0  select statement                 
*  1   hash join                       
   2    table access full   employees  
*  3    table access full   departments
predicate information (identified by operation id):
 1 - access("e"."department_id"="d"."department_id")
 3 - filter("d"."department_name"='accounting')






in 10gr2, we introduced a new transformation, table elimination (alternately called “join elimination”), which removes redundant tables from a query. a table is redundant if its columns are only referenced to in join predicates, and it is guaranteed that those joins neither filter nor expand the resulting rows. there are several cases where oracle will eliminate a redundant table. we will discuss each case in turn.

primary key-foreign key table elimination

starting in 10gr2, the optimizer eliminates tables that are redundant due to primary key-foreign key constraints. consider the following example tables:

create table jobs 
job_id number primary key,
job_title varchar2(35) not null,
min_salary number,
max_salary number
create table departments 
department_id number primary key,
department_name varchar2(50)
create table employees
employee_id number primary key,
employee_name varchar2(50),
department_id number references departments(department_id),
job_id number references jobs(job_id)

and the query:

from employees e, departments d
where e.department_id = d.department_id; 

in this query, the join to departments is redundant. the only column referenced in the query appears in the join predicate, and the primary key-foreign key constraint guarantees that there is at most one match in departments for each row in employees. hence, the query is equivalent to:

select e.employee_name
from employees e
where e.department_id is not null; 

the optimizer will generate this plan for the query:

 id   operation             name      
   0  select statement                
*  1   table access full    employees 
predicate information (identified by operation id):
 1 - filter("e"."department_id" is not null)

note that the is not null predicate is not necessary if the column has a not null constraint on it.

starting in 11gr1, the optimizer will also eliminate tables that are semi-joined or anti-joined. consider the following query:

select e.employee_id, e.employee_name
from employees e
where not exists (select 1
                  from jobs j
                  where j.job_id = e.job_id);

since employees.job_id is a foreign key to jobs.job_id, any non-null value inemployees.job_id must have a match in jobs. so only employees with null values foremployees.job_id will appear in the result. hence, this query is equivalent to:

select e.employee_id, e.employee_name
from employees e
where job_id is null;

and the optimizer can choose this plan:

 id   operation             name      
   0  select statement                
*  1   table access full    employees 
predicate information (identified by operation id):
1 - filter("e"."job_id" is null)

suppose employees.job_id has a not null constraint:

alter table employees modify job_id not null;

in this case, there could not possibly be any rows in employees, and the optimizer could choose this plan:

 id   operation             name      
   0  select statement                
*  1   filter                         
   2    table access full   employees 
predicate information (identified by operation id):
 1 - filter(null is not null)

the “null is not null” filter is a false constant predicate, that will prevent the table scan from even taking place.

“null is not null”

also in 11gr1, the optimization became available for ansi compliant joins. for this query:

select employee_name
from employees e inner join jobs j
on e.job_id = j.job_id;

the optimizer can eliminate jobs and produce this plan:

 id   operation             name      
   0  select statement                
   1   table access full    employees 

outer join table elimination

in 11gr1, a new form of table elimination was introduced for outer joins, which does not require pk-fk constraints. for the example, we require a new table and an addition to employees:

create table projects
project_id number unique,
deadline date,
priority number

alter table employees add project_id number;

now consider a query that outer joins employees and projects:

select e.employee_name, e.project_id
from employees e, projects p
where e.project_id = p.project_id ( );

the outer join guarantees that every row in employees will appear at least once in the result. the unique constraint on projects.project_id guarantees that every row in employees will match at most one row in projects. together, these two properties guarantee that every row inemployees will appear in the result exactly once. since no other columns from projects are referenced, projects can be eliminated, and the optimizer can choose this plan:

 id   operation             name      
   0  select statement                
   1   table access full    employees 

why would i ever write such a query?

all of the example queries in this post are very simple, and one would be unlikely to write a query where the join is so obviously unnecessary. there are many real world scenarios where table elimination may be helpful, including machine-generated queries and elimination of tables in views. for example, a set of tables might be exposed as a view, which contains a join. the join may be necessary to retrieve all of the columns exposed by the view. but some users of the view may only access a subset of the columns, and in this case, the joined table can be eliminated.

for example, consider the view:

create view employee_directory_v as
select e.employee_name, d.department_name, j.job_title
from employees e, departments d, jobs j
where e.department_id = d.department_id
and e.job_id = j.job_id;

this view might be exposed to a simple employee directory application. to lookup employee names by job title, the application issues a query:

select employee_name
from employee_directory_v
where department = ‘accounting’;

since the job_title column is not referenced, jobs can be eliminated from the query, and the optimizer can choose this plan:

 id   operation             name       
   0  select statement                 
*  1   hash join                       
   2    table access full   employees  
*  3    table access full   departments
predicate information (identified by operation id):
 1 - access("e"."department_id"="d"."department_id")
 3 - filter("d"."department_name"='accounting')

known limitations

there are currently a few limitations of table elimination:

multi-column primary key-foreign key constraints are not supported. 
referring to the join key elsewhere in the query will prevent table elimination. for an inner join, the join keys on each side of the join are equivalent, but if the query contains other references to the join key from the table that could otherwise be eliminated, this prevents elimination. a workaround is to rewrite the query to refer to the join key from the other table (we realize this is not always possible).

