
[译] oracle 新版本的 autoupgrade 已发布 -m6米乐安卓版下载

lovely girl 2022-07-05

原文地址:a new version of autoupgrade has been released

新版本的 autoupgrade 已发布,其中有重要的修复。

下载 2022 年 5 月版
因此,是时候更新您的 autoupgrade 并下载最新版本了。


像往常一样,我们会在您可以在 mos 中找到的更改日志中记录更改和修复以及增强功能。


build.version 22.3.220503
build.date 2022/05/03 11:55:20 -0400
build.hash 9e84e228
build.hash_date 2022/05/03 11:37:00 -0400
build.supported_target_versions 12.2,18,19,21
build.type production
20 bug fixes since v22.2 release
tag: v22.3
description: this is the release for 22.3 on mos


aupg-2795 - corrected unplug-relocate to use the local pdb name in analyze mode
aupg-2800 - noncdbtopdb with relocation on the same system may produce error during analyze
aupg-2811 - use term "autoupgrade keystore" instead of "keystore"


aupg-2815 - runtime error in pre-check was not stopping deploy and the status was reported as success


aupg-2753 - support seps when used with wallet_root
aupg-2774 - setjobprotections failing intermittently due to concurrentmodificationexception
aupg-2786 - tde password check failing unexpectedly when wallet has open_no_master_key status
aupg-2788 - proactive fixups are not creating status files
aupg-2791 - autoupgdrainactions does not handle rerunnable exceptions properly
aupg-2793 - target_cdb_compatibility check failed due to no container instance defined for the source noncdb in unplug/relocate
aupg-2806 - failing to copy wallets because wallet_location has "" in the path
aupg-2812 - enable local_undo on cdb upgrade fails because maximum db_files is reached
aupg-2813 - autoupgrade now checks for any plugin violations leaving pdbs left in open restricted mode and reports them accordingly
aupg-2817 - wrong message printed when orabase utility fails
aupg-2822 - database is shutdown when running custom post actions scripts in rac
aupg-2848 - pfile incorrectly written when had nested quotes and apostrophes
aupg-2833 - oraclebaseevaluator throws a nullpointerexception when using -load_password
aupg-2856 - enable proactive fixups by default when distributed rac is enabled and proactive fixups are not defined
bug-34033745 - source_base is not taking effect in initial autoupgrade queries when oracle_base is set to a space
bug-34075960 - autoupgrade failed with string index out of range and file_copy option equal to none.

