
oralce 检查表和索引的并行度 dop 脚本 -m6米乐安卓版下载

原创 lucifer三思而后行 2021-11-15


比较常见的由于 并行度 设置错误导致的等待事件:

  • px deq credit: send blkd
  • px deq credit: need buffer


create index on <table>(<columns>) parallel 4; alter index rebuild parallel 4;

✅ 使用并行度设置后的正确操作:

alter index noparallel;


📢 注意: 以下脚本已经过内部测试,但是,不保证它对您有用。确保在使用前在测试环境中运行它。

该 sql 查询当前数据库主机 cpu 数以及每个 cpu 默认的并行度:

col name format a30 col value format a20 rem how many cpu does the system have? rem default degree of parallelism is rem default = parallel_threads_per_cpu * cpu_count rem -------------------------------------------------; select substr(name,1,30) name , substr(value,1,5) value from v$parameter where name in ('parallel_threads_per_cpu' , 'cpu_count' );

该 sql 检查当前数据库中所有用户中存在不同并行度的

set pagesize1000 col owner format a30 col degree format a10 col instances format a10 rem normally dop := degree * instances rem see the following note for the exact formula. rem note:260845.1 old and new syntax for setting degree of parallelism rem how many tables a user have with different dops rem -------------------------------------------------------; select * from ( select substr(owner,1,15) owner , ltrim(degree) degree, ltrim(instances) instances, count(*) "num tables" , 'parallel' from all_tables where ( trim(degree) != '1' and trim(degree) != '0' ) or ( trim(instances) != '1' and trim(instances) != '0' ) group by owner, degree , instances union select substr(owner,1,15) owner , '1' , '1' , count(*) , 'serial' from all_tables where ( trim(degree) = '1' or trim(degree) = '0' ) and ( trim(instances) = '1' or trim(instances) = '0' ) group by owner ) order by owner;

📢 注意: 如果查询出 parallel 列的值为 serial 就证明并行度都是 1,为正常。

该 sql 检查当前数据库中所有用户中存在不同并行度的 索引

set pagesize1000 rem how many indexes a user have with different dops rem ---------------------------------------------------; select * from ( select substr(owner,1,15) owner , substr(trim(degree),1,7) degree , substr(trim(instances),1,9) instances , count(*) "num indexes", 'parallel' from all_indexes where ( trim(degree) != '1' and trim(degree) != '0' ) or ( trim(instances) != '1' and trim(instances) != '0' ) group by owner, degree , instances union select substr(owner,1,15) owner , '1' , '1' , count(*) , 'serial' from all_indexes where ( trim(degree) = '1' or trim(degree) = '0' ) and ( trim(instances) = '1' or trim(instances) = '0' ) group by owner ) order by owner;

📢 注意: 如果查询出 parallel 列的值为 serial 就证明并行度都是 1,为正常。

该 sql 检查具有不同 dop 的索引的表:

col table_name format a35 col index_name format a35 rem tables that have indexes with not the same dop rem !!!!! this command can take some time to execute !!! rem ---------------------------------------------------; set lines 150 select substr(t.owner,1,15) owner , t.table_name , substr(trim(t.degree),1,7) degree , substr(trim(t.instances),1,9) instances, i.index_name , substr(trim(i.degree),1,7) degree , substr(trim(i.instances),1,9) instances from all_indexes i, all_tables t where ( trim(i.degree) != trim(t.degree) or trim(i.instances) != trim(t.instances) ) and i.owner = t.owner and i.table_name = t.table_name;

📢 注意:查询结果为空代表没有不同 dop 的索引的表,正常。

本文的脚本来自于 mos:

script to report the degree of parallelism dop on tables and indexes (doc id 270837.1)


