
雏鹰展翅|oracle 单表分页查询优化 -m6米乐安卓版下载

原创 jiekexu 2021-11-11

近日中午一开发过来说生产有条 sql 执行缓慢,让看一下执行计划。测试环境说也有同样的问题 sql,那么则开始在测试环境搞一搞吧,排查过程大概记录如下,对于 优化也就是一知半解,故此只能抛砖引玉,如有错误还望指正。

开发发过来的分页 sql 如下(敏感信息均已过滤转换),由于篇幅问题,这里不放入 plsql 格式化展开了。

select "v0" "sequence_no", "v1" "pk_deliver_info", "v2" "trans_no", "v3" "agent_id", "v4" "trans_time", "v5" "rst_code", "v6" "rst_mess", "v7" "count", "v8" "quarter", "v9" "query_beg_date", "v10" "query_end_date", "v11" "start_index", "v12" "items_count", "v13" "pull_way", "v14" "create_time", "v15" "update_time", "v16" "delete_time" from (select "x"."v0", "x"."v1", "x"."v2", "x"."v3", "x"."v4", "x"."v5", "x"."v6", "x"."v7", "x"."v8", "x"."v9", "x"."v10", "x"."v11", "x"."v12", "x"."v13", "x"."v14", "x"."v15", "x"."v16", rownum "rn" from (select "t_order_info"."sequence_no" "v0", "t_order_info"."pk_deliver_info" "v1", "t_order_info"."trans_no" "v2", "t_order_info"."agent_id" "v3", "t_order_info"."trans_time" "v4", "t_order_info"."rst_code" "v5", "t_order_info"."rst_mess" "v6", "t_order_info"."count" "v7", "t_order_info"."quarter" "v8", "t_order_info"."query_beg_date" "v9", "t_order_info"."query_end_date" "v10", "t_order_info"."start_index" "v11", "t_order_info"."items_count" "v12", "t_order_info"."pull_way" "v13", "t_order_info"."create_time" "v14", "t_order_info"."update_time" "v15", "t_order_info"."delete_time" "v16" from "t_order_info" where (1 = 1 and "t_order_info"."agent_id" = 'c002374') order by "v10" desc, "v2" desc) "x" where rownum <= (0   1)) where "rn" > 0 order by "rn";


linux 6.10 11204 rac sql*plus: release
database patch set update :


sql> set line 345 
sql> select table_name,owner,num_rows,last_analyzed from dba_tables where table_name='t_order_info' and owner='prod';
table_name                     owner                            num_rows last_analyzed
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- -------------------
t_order_info                   prod                            3625092 2021-10-28 17:36:25
sql> select count(*) from prod.t_order_info;



sql> select owner,index_name,table_owner,table_name,tablespace_name,last_analyzed,status from dba_indexes where table_name='t_order_info' and table_owner='prod'; 
owner                          index_name                     table_owner                    table_name                     tablespace_name                last_analyzed       status
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------- --------
prod                           t_order_info_uk1                prod                          t_order_info                   prod_data                      2021-10-28 17:36:25 valid
prod                           t_order_info_index1             prod                          t_order_info                   prod_data                      2021-10-28 17:36:25 valid
prod                           t_order_info_pk                 prod                          t_order_info                   prod_data                      2021-10-28 17:36:25 valid


序列为主键索引,pk_deliver_info 列为唯一索引,普通索引刚好在 agent_id 我们最开始的 where 子句中。

set line 234 
col index_owner for a30 
col table_owner for a15 
col table_name for a25 
col index_name for a28 
col column_name for a20 
select index_owner,table_owner,table_name,index_name,column_name from dba_ind_columns where table_name='&tablename'  order by index_name; 
sql> select index_owner,table_owner,table_name,index_name,column_name from dba_ind_columns where table_name='t_order_info'  and table_owner='prod';
index_owner                    table_owner     table_name      index_name         column_name
------------------------------ --------------- --------------- ------------------ --------------------
prod                           prod            t_order_deliver t_order_deliver_in sequence_no
                                                       _info           fo_pk
prod                           prod            t_order_deliver t_order_deliver_in agent_id
                                                       _info           fo_index1
prod                           prod            t_order_deliver t_order_deliver_in pk_deliver_info
                                                       _info           fo_uk1  


sql> select table_name,partitioned  from dba_tables where table_name='t_order_info' and owner='prod';
table_name                     par
------------------------------ ---
t_order_info                   no


sql> select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 mb from dba_segments where owner='prod' and segment_name ='t_order_info';


sql> select table_name,owner,num_rows,last_analyzed from dba_tables where table_name='t_order_info' and owner='prod';
table_name      owner                            num_rows last_analyzed
--------------- ------------------------------ ---------- -------------------
t_order_info    prod                             3625092  2021-11-05 16:32:11

6、首先需要拿到原 sql 的 sql_id.

可以通过 awr、ash或者 v$sql 等视图获取,这里通过最简单的 v$sql 视图获取。

set long 9999 line 999 pages 999
select sql_id,sql_fulltext from v$sql where sql_text like '%t_order_info%';
sql> @?/rdbms/admin/sqltrpt.sql

oracle 10g 以后提供了一个脚本 sqltrpt.sql 用来查询最耗费资源的 sql 语句,也可以根据输入的sql_id,生成对应执行计划和调优建议,是一个不错的调优优化脚本。其实是sqltrpt是sql tune report的缩写。这个脚本位于$oracle_home/rdbms/admin/sqltrpt.sql


知道 sql_id 后便可以根据多种办法查看执行计划。关于执行计划多种查看方法,可查看之前的 。

select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_awr('5b2zcwhm267q8'));
通过 autotrace 和 plsql 使用 f5 查看的执行计划一样。
sql> set autot trace
sp2-0618: cannot find the session identifier.  check plustrace role is enabled
sp2-0611: error enabling statistics report
以上普通用户无法使用 autotrace ,需要执行脚本 plustrce.sql 创建 plustrace 角色授予普通用户即可。
cd $oracle_home/sqlplus/admin
ll plustrce.sql
sql> @$oracle_home/sqlplus/admin/plustrce.sql
sql> drop role plustrace;
drop role plustrace
error at line 1:
ora-01919: role 'plustrace' does not exist
sql> create role plustrace;
role created.
sql> grant select on v_$sesstat to plustrace;
grant succeeded.
sql> grant select on v_$statname to plustrace;
grant succeeded.
sql> grant select on v_$mystat to plustrace;
grant succeeded.
sql> grant plustrace to dba with admin option;
grant succeeded.
sql> set echo off
sql> grant plustrace to prod;
grant succeeded.
sql> set autot on
sql> conn prod/lkkbtd7$
sql> set autot on
sql> set autot trace
execution plan
plan hash value: 3374223308
| id  | operation                        | name                        | rows  | bytes |tempspc| cost (%cpu)| time     |
|   0 | select statement                 |                             |    10 |  8160 |       |  4031   (1)| 00:00:49 |
|   1 |  sort order by                   |                             |    10 |  8160 |       |  4031   (1)| 00:00:49 |
|*  2 |   view                           |                             |    10 |  8160 |       |  4030   (1)| 00:00:49 |
|*  3 |    count stopkey                 |                             |       |       |       |            |          |
|   4 |     view                         |                             | 46319 |    35m|       |  4030   (1)| 00:00:49 |
|*  5 |      sort order by stopkey       |                             | 46319 |  8594k|    10m|  4030   (1)| 00:00:49 |
|   6 |       table access by index rowid| t_order_info                | 46319 |  8594k|       |  2111   (1)| 00:00:26 |
|*  7 |        index range scan          | t_order_info_index1         | 46319 |       |       |   469   (0)| 00:00:06 |
predicate information (identified by operation id):
   2 - filter("rn">0)
   3 - filter(rownum<=10)
   5 - filter(rownum<=10)
   7 - access("t_order_info"."agent_id"='c002282')
sql> set line 456 pages 456 
sql> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('5b2zcwhm267q8')); 
| id  | operation                        | name                        | rows  | bytes |tempspc| cost (%cpu)| time     |
|   0 | select statement                 |                             |       |       |       |  1943 (100)|          |
|   1 |  sort order by                   |                             |    10 |  8160 |       |  1943   (1)| 00:00:24 |
|*  2 |   view                           |                             |    10 |  8160 |       |  1942   (1)| 00:00:24 |
|*  3 |    count stopkey                 |                             |       |       |       |            |          |
|   4 |     view                         |                             | 23300 |    17m|       |  1942   (1)| 00:00:24 |
|*  5 |      sort order by stopkey       |                             | 23300 |  4323k|  5336k|  1942   (1)| 00:00:24 |
|   6 |       table access by index rowid| t_order_info                | 23300 |  4323k|       |   976   (1)| 00:00:12 |
|*  7 |        index range scan          | t_order_info_index1         | 23300 |       |       |   220   (0)| 00:00:03 |

执行计划中有排序,而且成本 cost 也很高,autotrace 出来的达 4031。


8、优化此 sql

agent_id 建有索引,该 sql 也是走了此索引,但是效果不佳,那么我们尝试创建一个联合索引来看看。

create index prod.t_ord_info_idquery_transno on prod.t_order_info(agent_id,query_end_date desc,trans_no desc) tablespace prod_index online; 

注意如果建立如下索引,执行计划则会出现 index range scan descending,物理读变为 3,其他基本一样,但是使用 11 节的分页 sql 时执行计划中排序则不可避免,没有充分利用索引有序的特性,故需删除按照上面语法重新创建较好一丢丢。

create index prod.t_ord_info_idquery_transno on prod.t_order_info(agent_id,query_end_date,trans_no) tablespace prod_index online; 
drop index prod.t_ord_info_idquery_transno;


exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname => 'prod', tabname => 't_order_info');
alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss';
select table_name,owner,num_rows,last_analyzed from dba_tables where table_name like 't_order_info' and owner='prod';


conn xxxx/xxxx
set autot on

execution plan
plan hash value: 3879506888
| id  | operation                       | name                       | rows  | bytes | cost (%cpu)| time     |
|   0 | select statement                |                            |    10 |  8160 |     9  (12)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  sort order by                  |                            |    10 |  8160 |     9  (12)| 00:00:01 |
|*  2 |   view                          |                            |    10 |  8160 |     8   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  3 |    count stopkey                |                            |       |       |            |          |
|   4 |     view                        |                            |    11 |  8833 |     8   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|   5 |      table access by index rowid| t_order_info               | 37872 |  7064k|     8   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  6 |       index range scan          | t_ord_info_idquery_transno |    11 |       |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
          1  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
          8  consistent gets
          2  physical reads
          0  redo size
       2765  bytes sent via sql*net to client
        520  bytes received via sql*net from client
          2  sql*net roundtrips to/from client
          1  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
         10  rows processed

原有执行计划中有 sort order by 的排序操作也已经消除了,cost 成本值降低至 9,与原来的 4031 相比,提高了 440 多倍。那么该 sql 还有优化的空间吗?

11、根据《sql优化核心思想》8.3 一节分页优化思想改写的 sql 如下:

select * from (select *
from (select a.*,rownum rn from (分页sql) a) where rownum<=10)
where rn >=1;

不知道是不是作者笔误,多写了一层 select 还是怎么的,根据此分页框架改写如下 sql 还是达不到最优,请继续往下看。

select * from   (select * 
 from (select a.*,rownum rn from 
                   (select "t_order_info"."sequence_no"     "v0",
                       "t_order_info"."pk_deliver_info" "v1",
                       "t_order_info"."trans_no"        "v2",
                       "t_order_info"."agent_id"        "v3",
                       "t_order_info"."trans_time"      "v4",
                       "t_order_info"."rst_code"        "v5",
                       "t_order_info"."rst_mess"        "v6",
                       "t_order_info"."count"           "v7",
                       "t_order_info"."quarter"         "v8",
                       "t_order_info"."query_beg_date"  "v9",
                       "t_order_info"."query_end_date"  "v10",
                       "t_order_info"."start_index"     "v11",
                       "t_order_info"."items_count"     "v12",
                       "t_order_info"."pull_way"        "v13",
                       "t_order_info"."create_time"     "v14",
                       "t_order_info"."update_time"     "v15",
                       "t_order_info"."delete_time"     "v16"
                    from "t_order_info"
                    where ("t_order_info"."agent_id" = 'c002282')
                    order by "v10" desc, "v2" desc
	  a) where rownum<=10
 where  rn >=1;


plan hash value: 2456897122
| id  | operation                         | name                        | rows  | bytes |tempspc| cost (%cpu)| time     |
|   0 | select statement                  |                             |    10 |  8160 |       |  3162   (1)| 00:00:38 |
|*  1 |  view                             |                             |    10 |  8160 |       |  3162   (1)| 00:00:38 |
|*  2 |   count stopkey                   |                             |       |       |       |            |          |
|   3 |    view                           |                             | 37872 |    29m|       |  3162   (1)| 00:00:38 |
|   4 |     count                         |                             |       |       |       |            |          |
|   5 |      view                         |                             | 37872 |    29m|       |  3162   (1)| 00:00:38 |
|   6 |       sort order by               |                             | 37872 |  7064k|  8672k|  3162   (1)| 00:00:38 |
|   7 |        table access by index rowid| t_order_info                | 37872 |  7064k|       |  1579   (1)| 00:00:19 |
|*  8 |         index range scan          | t_order_info_index1         | 37872 |       |       |   348   (0)| 00:00:05 |
          1  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
       1173  consistent gets
          0  physical reads
          0  redo size
       2729  bytes sent via sql*net to client
        520  bytes received via sql*net from client
          2  sql*net roundtrips to/from client
          1  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
         10  rows processed

使用原有索引 t_order_info_index1,并没有用到新的联合索引,原有执行计划中有 sort order by 的排序操作也没有消除了,cost 成本值有原来的 4031 降低至 3162,效果不是很明显.

使用 statistics_level 看一眼真实执行计划也是一样使用旧索引,还有排序操作。
grant select any dictionary to prod;
conn prod/prod1245
alter session set statistics_level=all;
执行上述分页 sql
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(null,null,‘allstats last’));


那么,我们强制使用 hint 走联合索引在看看,结果 cost 值达 13303,还是没有达到最优。

select  /*  index(t_order_info t_ord_info_idquery_transno) */ "t_order_info"
execution plan
plan hash value: 4173602263
| id  | operation                        | name                       | rows  | bytes | cost (%cpu)| time     |
|   0 | select statement                 |                            |    10 |  8160 | 13303   (1)| 00:02:40 |
|*  1 |  view                            |                            |    10 |  8160 | 13303   (1)| 00:02:40 |
|*  2 |   count stopkey                  |                            |       |       |            |          |
|   3 |    view                          |                            | 41284 |    32m| 13303   (1)| 00:02:40 |
|   4 |     count                        |                            |       |       |            |          |
|   5 |      view                        |                            | 41284 |    31m| 13303   (1)| 00:02:40 |
|   6 |       table access by index rowid| t_order_info               | 41284 |  7700k| 13303   (1)| 00:02:40 |
|*  7 |        index range scan          | t_ord_info_idquery_transno | 41284 |       |   469   (0)| 00:00:06 |
predicate information (identified by operation id):
   1 - filter("rn">=1)
   2 - filter(rownum<=10)
   7 - access("t_order_info"."agent_id"='c002282')
          1  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
         10  consistent gets
          2  physical reads
          0  redo size
       2729  bytes sent via sql*net to client
        520  bytes received via sql*net from client
          2  sql*net roundtrips to/from client
          0  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
         10  rows processed



select column_lists from
(select rownum as rn,a.* from
(select column_lists from table_name where col_1=:b0 order by col_2) a
where rownum<=:b2
) where rn>:b1;

改写完 sql 格式化如下:

select "v0",
  from (select rownum as rn, a.*
          from (select "t_order_info"."sequence_no"     "v0",
                       "t_order_info"."pk_deliver_info" "v1",
                       "t_order_info"."trans_no"        "v2",
                       "t_order_info"."agent_id"        "v3",
                       "t_order_info"."trans_time"      "v4",
                       "t_order_info"."rst_code"        "v5",
                       "t_order_info"."rst_mess"        "v6",
                       "t_order_info"."count"           "v7",
                       "t_order_info"."quarter"         "v8",
                       "t_order_info"."query_beg_date"  "v9",
                       "t_order_info"."query_end_date"  "v10",
                       "t_order_info"."start_index"     "v11",
                       "t_order_info"."items_count"     "v12",
                       "t_order_info"."pull_way"        "v13",
                       "t_order_info"."create_time"     "v14",
                       "t_order_info"."update_time"     "v15",
                       "t_order_info"."delete_time"     "v16"
                  from "t_order_info"
                 where "t_order_info"."agent_id" = 'c002282'
                 order by "v10" desc, "v2" desc) a
         where rownum <= 10)
 where rn > 0;


execution plan
plan hash value: 2845846103
| id  | operation                      | name                       | rows  | bytes | cost (%cpu)| time     |
|   0 | select statement               |                            |    10 |  8160 |     8   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  1 |  view                          |                            |    10 |  8160 |     8   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  2 |   count stopkey                |                            |       |       |            |          |
|   3 |    view                        |                            |    11 |  8833 |     8   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|   4 |     table access by index rowid| t_order_info               | 37872 |  7064k|     8   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  5 |      index range scan          | t_ord_info_idquery_transno |    11 |       |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
          0  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
         10  consistent gets
          0  physical reads
          0  redo size
       2635  bytes sent via sql*net to client
        520  bytes received via sql*net from client
          2  sql*net roundtrips to/from client
          0  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
         10  rows processed
plan hash value: 2845846103
| id  | operation                      | name                       | starts | e-rows | a-rows |   a-time   | buffers |
|   0 | select statement               |                            |      1 |        |     10 |00:00:00.01 |      10 |
|*  1 |  view                          |                            |      1 |     10 |     10 |00:00:00.01 |      10 |
|*  2 |   count stopkey                |                            |      1 |        |     10 |00:00:00.01 |      10 |
|   3 |    view                        |                            |      1 |     10 |     10 |00:00:00.01 |      10 |
|   4 |     table access by index rowid| t_order_info               |      1 |  41284 |     10 |00:00:00.01 |      10 |
|*  5 |      index range scan          | t_ord_info_idquery_transno |      1 |     10 |     10 |00:00:00.01 |       5 |

执行计划中没有排序,没有物理读,cost 只有 8,查询结果秒出,这才是最优的结果。 最后来一起看看落落大神总结的分页优化思路:

单表分页语句优化思路:如果分页语句中有排序(order by),要利用索引已经排序特性,将order by的列按照排序的先后顺序包含在索引中,同时要注意排序是升序还是降序。如果分页语句中有过滤条件,我们要注意过滤条件是否有等值过滤条件,如果有等值过滤条件,要将等值过滤条件优先组合在一起,然后将排序列放在等值过滤条件后面,最后将非等值过滤列放排序列后面。如果分页语句中没有等值过滤条件,我们应该先将排序列放在索引前面,将非等值过滤列放后面,最后利用rownum的count stopkey特性来优化分页sql。如果分页中没有过滤条件,可以将排序列和常量组合(object_name,0)创建索引。如果分页中没有排序,可以直接利用rownum的count stopkey特性来优化分页sql。

如果我们想一眼看出分页语句执行计划是正确还是错误的,先看分页语句有没有order by,再看执行计划有没有sort order by,如果执行计划中有sortorder by,执行计划一般都是错误的分页语句中也不能有distinct、group by、max、min、avg、union、union all等关键字。因为当分页语句中有这些关键字,我们需要等表关联完或者数据都跑完之后再来分页,这样性能很差。

如果有外连接,我们只能选择主表的列作为排序列,语句中不能有distinct、group by、max、min、avg、union、union all,执行计划中不能出现sort order by。


公众号:jiekexu dba之路
csdn :https://blog.csdn.net/jiekexu


最后修改时间:2021-11-15 19:06:58

