客户环境linux oracle 两节点rac主库,2节点备库;需要对这个客户的数据库使用dg切换进行迁移;
第一轮搭建adg完成后,fail over dg备库 变成测试库给开发应用人员进行测试;
第二轮正式切换之前,搭建重建adg环境, restore database正常,recover database报错
thu oct 28 21:35:11 2021
warning: recovery target destination is in a sibling branch of the controlfile checkpoint.
recovery will only recover changes to datafiles.
datafile 1 (ckpscn 20575410237) is orphaned on incarnation#=2
mrp0: detected orphaned datafiles! recovery will possibly be retried after flashback...
errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/oxxx/oxxxx/trace/oxxxx1\_pr00\_5100.trc:
ora-19909: datafile 1 belongs to an orphan incarnation
ora-01110: data file 1: ' data/oxxx/datafile/system.265.1087143661'
managed standby recovery not using real time apply
recovery slave pr00 previously exited with exception 19909
thu oct 28 21:35:32 2021 mrp0: background media recovery process shutdown (oxxx1)
2.1 检索相关文档
ora-19906 and ora-19909 at standby site (doc id 1509932.1)
datafile 1 (ckpscn 7502822792898) is orphaned on incarnation#=1
mrp0: background media recovery terminated with error 19909
thu nov 22 14:45:00 met 2012
errors in file < directory >/sgsdgb/admin/bdump/sgsdgb\_mrp0\_20506.trc:
ora-19909: datafile 1 belongs to an orphan incarnation \[5\]
ora-01110: data file 1: '< directory >/sgsdgb/data02/system01.dbf'
thu nov 22 14:45:00 met 2012
errors in file < directory >/sgsdgb/admin/bdump/sgsdgb\_mrp0\_20506.trc:
ora-19909: datafile 1 belongs to an orphan incarnation
ora-01110: data file 1: '< directory >/sgsdgb/data02/system01.dbf'
2.2 检查问题是否匹配
redo apply at standby site suddenly failed as shown in the alert.log:
this occurs because the standby database, for various reasons, is opened with resetlogs and information on that resides in the fra. rman will implicitly catalog the fra thus causing information on this “test” incarnation to be inserted into the mounted standby controlfile. therefore information on a new incarnation exists.
报错的场景是说dg recover的时候报错,控制文件"化生"(翻译过来不一定准确incarnation )的问题;
场景往往发生在resetlogs后,产生新的版本的化生,但是rman的 fra自动记录了化生并且将这个化生写入了新的控制文件当中,导致你的dg控制文件存在多个不同scn演进化生的版本;
由于我们没有百分百的清理干净,导致oracle rman fra自动将上一次的resetlogs后的化生写入到了控制文件当中,恢复的时候化生版本不对!
2.3 查询对比
this is the primary database's incarnation:
rman> list incarnation of database;
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
db key inc key db name db id status reset scn reset time
------- ------- -------- ---------------- --- ---------- ----------
1 1 sgsopa 791150137 current 121289826 09-oct-09
this is the standby database's incarnation:
rman> list incarnation of database;
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
db key inc key db name db id status reset scn reset time
------- ------- -------- ---------------- --- ---------- ----------
1 1 sgsopa 791150137 parent 121289826 09-oct-09
2 2 sgsopa 791150137 current 7502821558550 22-nov-12
in standby, execute:
rman> reset database to incarnation 1;
实际操作与mos一致,只是实际环境inc2的时间是上一次resetlogs open第一次搭建dg fail over的时间点!
执行上述操作,recover database;不在报错!
3.1 oracle incarnation是什么?
但是在某些场景下,db使用了resetlogs 不完成的恢复时,那么就会产生一个新的化生,因为你的scn方向以及和完全恢复的方向不同了。
sql> select incarnation#,resetlogs_change#,resetlogs_time,status from v$database_incarnation;
3.2 如何避免出现这个问题呢?
option #2:
clear the fra information associated with the resetlogs executed against the standby.
1) remove archivelog files and/or controlfile autobackups which were generated by the
standby when it was activated (opened with resetlogs).
leave only the archivelog files received from the primary.
2) consider refreshing standby controlfile from primary to remove unnecessary
incarnation information from standby controlfile's v$database_incarnation.
3) start manual recovery, applying the next archivelog from the primary
site to confirm that recovery will now continue
4) restart automatic recovery at the standby site
1.将上一次resetlogs库open之后产生的archive log ,log进行删除清理;